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Sunday, April 17, 2011

1 picture is worth a thousand concrete statements

1 picture is worth a thousand concrete statements

no doubt this is truly
the creed of greed....
they try to force feed us bullshit
and pay made up fees
and our throats bleed
Yet I have all the power I need
2 discover the lies
I can easily
uncover the disguise
with 2 simple questions,
why not and why
God' Ble$$ AmeriKKKa
they all justify their alibi's
answers and solutions
not seen with their own eyes
since the beginning
our history gets spackled
they warned us all along
about snakes skins and apples
and look where we are
wanting the same fruit baked
for the sake of gettin a slice
of that pipe dream in caves
that dont exist yet we still crave
it took a WOMAN to free slaves
pen gelled together
yet still we're tryin to save...

~~ Jamie